Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Conservative Political T-Shirts Have An Important Roles In The 2012 Election

By Vincent Mosley

Conservative political t-shirts have had a big impact on the way people support their political party in the last few years. More and more people are using them at rallies, on videos found on the Internet, and in their personal lives.

Our fathers and grandfathers have worn their fair share of conservative political t-shirts in the past. These shirts have always been very straight-forward and blunt, which is hard for anyone who does not feel the same way to absorb without confrontation. These new tees use humor to soften the blow and establish a superiority of wit.

Many of these new conservative political t-shirts attack liberals through use of their own words and symbolism. Obama's campaign symbol has become a very recognizable image over the last couple of years. This is being used in funny slogans to disrupt Obama's credibility by replacing the "O" in words with his symbol. For instance, spelling the common "LOL" with Obama's campaign symbol in the middle.

The political campaign engine has even taken hints from this wittier group of political activists. The first campaign add of the year has taken inspiration from a conservative political t-shirt seen on the Internet that says "Vote Obama? Enjoy the fantasy!" that features fantastical unicorns and Pegasus. Lo and behold, the new add has Obama riding a Pegasus.

Another new, or rather improved, addition to the Republican's arsenal is the political rally. While once these rallies were organized by the political parties, they are now being run by the actual constituency. All of whom are wearing conservative political t-shirts and clamoring for camera time on the local news.

The Tea Party is surely to blame for the great surge that conservative political t-shirts have seen in use and design. They would never have replaced their older, stodgier counterparts if there were no demand for newer, better t-shirts. The Tea Party is largely backed by younger people, so a younger feel was required for their choices of supportive shirts.

No one can predict the outcome of the next election that takes place in 2012. There is a common knowledge that this election will be one of the most heated contests between the parties that has ever been seen. Whatever the outcome, we can be reasonably certain that we'll see many conservative political t-shirts worn to the booths.

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