Thursday, March 26, 2015

Singing Coach Los Angeles Lessons

By Lena Stephenson

Singing is a skill, just like swimming or running. Therefore, one needs to keep practicing no matter how good they are. A singing coach Los Angeles helps both professional, seasoned and beginners practice their skills. The work of a coach is to teach how to breathe and control your body in order to maximize the output of your vocal chords.

A voice teacher will show you how to breathe better as you sing. Good breathing supports your voice as it gets tired if you sing without breathing. In class, you will learn to breathe from your lower lungs, in through the nose and out through both your nose and mouth. You will also learn the importance of not raising your shoulders as you breathe in. These techniques are simple, but very effective during singing.

A proper body posture is important as you sing. This is because the voice is a part ones body that affects surrounding muscles as well as the rest of the body. Part of the work of coaches is to teach how to relax supporting muscles such as the neck and shoulders. Also, holding the head up and looking forward as the feet are apart helps maintain a proper posture free from injury and strain.

Warm up exercises are some of the insider secrets and best practices that singers must stick to. A voice tutor will show you when and how to carry them out effectively. Warm up exercises play the same role as those of athletes before a big game; preparation is indispensable. Vocal cords are muscles too, and they must be prepared adequately before embarking on something serious. Warming helps prevent strain and damage.

Another best kept secret is articulation or simply how you utter words as you sing. The words should be as clear as possible and diction perfect. The voice quality should not be compromised as you try to pronounce words. Also, when and how to breathe during certain syllables and notes is important as stopping to breathe anywhere affects logic. A qualified tutor is best suited to teach you all of these things.

Apart from articulation, singers must also be taught how to identify and perfect their ranges. Range is defined as the span between lowest and highest notes. Female and male singers have different high or low ranges. Male singers with low ranges are tenor while those with high ones are bass. For females, a low range is alto whereas a high range is a soprano.

Your voice coach will also teach how to nurture and keep your vocal chords safe. They are prone to fatigue just like other body muscles and therefore, one should always take enough rest. Most importantly, if one has not sung for a while, he or she should first take thorough warm up exercises just as athletes do. Failure to take care of vocal chords leads to strain and damage.

Lastly, practice singing on a daily basis is something even seasoned musicians do; it is part of their life. You may record yourself as you sing and play it back later to correct where you may have gone wrong. Doing it with friends may help as they give feedback, especially on the range and articulation.

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