Sunday, January 6, 2013

Understand More Of The History Of Alaska

By Elva Salinas

The history of Alaska is dated back in the Paleolithic period, in about fourteen thousand years ago when Asian migrants settled in what is now known as the western coast of Alaska. They were the first Asian migrant to have crossed the Bering land bridge and after exploring the land they decided to settle; however some of moved and settle in what is today known as Canada.

The name Alaska was derived from an Aleut word which means great land or main land. The name was changed a couple of time before they came in conclusion in calling it its current name. The first landing was led by a Danish explorer named Vitus to Kayak Island. However, he later died in a shipwreck in his usual exploring trips in these islands when his ship wrecked in Kamchatka Island.

This land is known to be among the richest mineral lands on the planet. Gold, coal and oil were all discovered in the nineteenth century, and it is at this point that most migrants moved to this land searching for gold. It was not long after the land was declared a district which also led to formation of the Alaskan government.

The many good qualities this land had, made many countries target it for colonization. During the nineteenth century, America bought the territory from Russians, although Americans declared it as their forty ninth state in 1959. They struggled and fought hard to get the land from fighters of civil war and colonizers. Though they later got it, this was a remarkable historical moment for Americans, which was put in their calendar.

During World War II, two of its islands, Kiska and Attu were invaded by the Japanese which led to their participation in the war. After the invasion, the Attuans were ferried to Japan where they were imprisoned until the end of the war. Attu was later regained after a two week fight although many lives were lost.

Economically, Alaskans have been privileged to have various sources of livelihood that have increasingly boosted their economy. Apart from its rich mineral fields, there is fishery, timber production, agriculture and tourism. This has been the booster of their economy even when the land is hit by unfortunate events that destroy their economy; instead they have grown stronger as a state over the years.

The land is populated by Aleuts, American Indians and Eskimos. With an example of the 1964 earthquake and various tsunamis that have cost the lives of many, it is evident that Alaska has endured several hits. With their infrastructure, they have adopted the latest technology that has helped them put in place protective measures for such epidemics.

Today, this territory is an American state but with no counties like the other states except from Louisiana; instead, it is divided into boroughs. According to the history of Alaska, many have happened in the past years and it is fair to conclude that Alaska represent a huge part of America in terms of its history, culture, and basically their way of life.

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