Sunday, January 6, 2013

Taking A Look At Alaskan History

By Katelyn Buckner

You may have dreams like many other people about visiting Alaska. While for many this is a land of adventure, you should also know that many things happened that made the state what it is today. Making the most of a visit to this state means you taking the time to earn some about Alaskan history.

On August 1, 1867, the state of Alaska was officially purchased at the price of $7,200,000.00. The area was a part of Russia at the time of this purchase and fast became the subject for discussion among many peoples. Some felt the purchase was not worthwhile because the territory had a lot of arctic and snowy areas.

When the discovery of gold and oil were found in Alaskan territory, the rush started towards it. Many pioneers became interested and suddenly, the area was no longer considered unworthy or a waste of money on the part of the United States. Once the rumors of gold started leaking out, people began going to the Alaskan area in droves. When this movement began, other issues began to arise as well.

One famous town in Alaska is called Nome and has a great historical significance. The Iditarod trail was used to get medicines to Nome during an outbreak of diphtheria in 1925. The town of Nome was founded in 1899 as a center point of pioneers looking for gold and finding their fortunes. Because of the famous dog sled run due to the diphtheria outbreak, the Iditarod race is still today a great part of Alaska.

The Iditarod Trail was also used by those gold hunters during that time. Dog sledding has always been a popular form of transportation in the Alaskan territories. For many years, dog sledding was the best way to reach parts of this frozen area. Today, the race is part of this tradition. Planes and other vehicles like snowmobiles have taken the place of dog sleds in many areas.

When soldiers began returning home and talked about the beauty of Alaska, many people began to get curious about it and wanted to see it for themselves. Tourism became popular in the area and many tourist attractions were created because of the many people coming to visit. You might find several attractions appealing on a visit to this arctic territory like riverboat rides or dog sled presentations. Some folks enjoy visiting Indian villages and learning their culture and way of life.

Visiting some of the museums in the town of Anchorage can allow you an inside look at the historical significance of the state. You can learn a great deal of history about the gold rush and the steps that were taken towards the state being what it is today. Find out more about the aurora borealis as well. This natural light show is a huge tourist attraction every year in the state.

Alaskan history is an amazing assortment of events that have led up to the striation of what the state is today. Making a trip to Alaska to learn more is great way to not only learn historical events, but to also experience some of the events that are still around today. Making your trips plans to Alaska can be the greatest way to learn about the kind of history that only this frozen wilderness can offer.

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