Sunday, September 29, 2013

To Get Non-Partisan Political Information Think Real Hard About What You Are Told

By Paulette Short

Since non-partisan political information does not bolster any one side in a political discussion, it should follow the facts and ignore the emotions. True non partisan material is so very hard to obtain because of the ease at which the illogical stuff is put out there. Thinking about everything you hear is the only way to find and then evade the material that is not worth listening to.

The demonstrated willingness of the dominant press to listen, without investigation, to one side of any issue and report it, thinking real hard must be on your agenda. Since there is no accountability in the media, it is up to you to know the facts. These are hard to find as the fourth estate does not do its job.

Much of the purely political coverage is in the way that many of the controversies are reported. Global cooling, global warming, climate change or whatever the current buzz word is can be read as being the final word on it. That is until another report comes out. All of those reports repeat the things and ideas put out by a small, politically motivated group of people who are ideologically unable to ask the appropriate questions about the questionable science.

Thinking hard about the issues that are presented is the only way you will find out the facts. Knowing that one side of the political aisle wants to inhibit the freedom of speech, protected by the US Constitution, shows you where they stand on that important document. The dislike, in those same circles of the second amendment and fourth amendment rights, will also give you some idea about what they want to do across the country.

When most of the press report on debates, they seldom get it right. They are in the tank for one side of the debate and will not give the other side any points for anything. They will dwell on those emotional talking points and ignore any factual deliberation, calling them wedge issues. This takes the whole idea of debates into a level that used to only be seen on the playground.

The way to discover what is being put forward, in any medium whether person to person or from the TV or radio is to actually ask yourself what each comment means. Identify whether they are talking in an emotional way or reciting facts that can be checked. Look at some of the websites that purport to be non partisan and look into who is providing the content on the pages. Verify that the words make sense or not. If it is double talk, it is partisan.

Looking out for yourself and the facts is what you need to do in order to understand what is going on. The freedoms you have enjoyed are at risk when people are not saying what it is they want and what laws they are willing to pass to take them from you. Politicians who state that the Constitution is a living, breathing document, do not believe in it and should not be listened to.

Non-partisan political information should be just that. It should make you aware of what is being said about your cherished freedoms and it should also help support the civil society. If it does, good and if it does not, it should be ignored much as they ignore their job to be a reporting agency and not propaganda.

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