Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Morality In The Modern Western World

By Tom Grafton

Abandonment of Christianity in the West is widespread and is leaving a moral vacuum.

The left of politics is trying to develop political correctness as the new morality- the best of humanism. This is somehow perceived as woefully lacking in its conception of justice if referred to the pop-morality of Hollywood heroes generally; it takes the sanctity of human life to a level that demeans it by destroying justice. In this concept, there comes a time when it is right to kill the bad guy.

The initial moral conundrum of "Startrek: Into Darkness" is that Kirk has been sent to assassinate the murderer Kahn. Kirk, being played by the Admiral, and it is as well that he captures, rather than kills Kahn, Kirk is ready to carry out his orders, but Spock declares this is immoral to execute him without trial and that they ought to capture Kahn and return him to Starfleet for trial. This is a plot twist that undermines the thought experiment and attempts to justify, ad hoc, the decision to spare Kahn. The reality of the thought experiment is seen in real life in the capture and trial of Saddam Hussein, and the hunting down and execution of Osama Bin Laden.

In the movie, Kirk is under no misapprehensions of Kahn's guilt. Kirk is an eyewitness of Kahn's unprovoked attack that leads to the death of Kirk's mentor, Admiral Pike. Kahn makes no pretense of innocence, but merely attempts to justify his actions as retaliation for wrongs done to him, In comparison with Bin Laden. Kahn later crashes a starship into the sky scrapers of San Fransisco in an attack not dissimilar to the World Trade Center. In the end, Kahn is captured and not tried or executed, but placed back into cryogenic hibernation.

Misguided application of the principle of the sanctity of life is where it is believed that the behaviour of many TV show heroes have stemmed, where the hero, misguided application of the principle of the sanctity of life.

As the majority morality of the western world, Utilitarianism has been limping since jettisoning Christianity.

We are left with a loose idea of the sanctity of human life. Some sort of Eastern / Buddhist / Hindu / New Age conception of reincarnation and the value of all life is present in our milieu. But it condemns one to vegetarianism, and is based upon some other religious concepts that most Westerners find hard to credit. So we cling to it, emphasizing it to the exclusion of all else.

A newspaper article recently suggested that the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center marked the end of Post Modernism. No longer could one really countenance the central tenant of Post Modernism that moral truth was relative.

Genesis 9:6 "Whoever sheds human blood, by humans shall their blood be shed; for in the image of God has God made mankind." one comes up against the justice of God If one bases morality on the existence and moral character of God.

If one bases morality on the sanctity of human life alone, what is to be done with the Osama Bin Ladens of the world?

Making their mind about what they believe in is what the West needs.

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