Sunday, December 23, 2012

Is Janet Spencer on Doomsday Preppers Right?

By Terrance Franklin

Janet Spence is just like a human pack rat. Her techniques when it comes to stocking food stuff are a perfect example to anyone who uses the excuse of not possessing adequate available room. (myself included). She has important lessons to teach people who are residing with people who never want to be doomsday preppers.

Stimulated to Prep in Great Falls

The stressful situations of the Helena Train blast inspired Janet to prep. Having had her electrical power cut out and no method to contact the rest of the world, Janet feared the most worst. Many people who were either troubled by the situations of Hurricane Sandy or who perhaps viewed it in the media are in a similar position. We have noticed how bad it can get and now we have the option to prepare or keep our heads inside the sand.

An altruistic prepper, Janet is anxious for her very own survival after a prospective nuclear attack on the Helena military system. But she's much more serious about the well being of the future survivors of this sort of nuclear attack. In order to take care of them, she should be able to take care of their urgent needs, beginning with food stuff.

Full sized bed of food items

Janet locates herself in a scenario that we have witnessed a few of preppers experience before. Her husband doesn't assist her prepping and wants absolutely no part of this. In order to continually prep Janet is compelled to do this in secret. They say necessity is the mother of invention. It has certainly led to a few inventive ways of storing food items within Janet's home.

Janet offers an intriguing perspective on the old savings in the mattress technique. She boasts that the amount of food she's got beneath her bed amounts to several thousand pounds. Though it may be a California King, even a little bed could possibly store a couple of months of food if the framework was heavy enough. Urban preppers keep this in mind.

Maxi pads for bandages

Janet had the smart idea of stocking up on feminine items to use as unexpected supplies. For preppers who like to coupon it is a fantastic way to make use of the regular sales on all pf these to stock up. Perhaps without coupons they could often be less costly than standard bandages. Chock this up with fish anti-biotics for your listing of ghetto medical items.

An interesting side note: kotex pads had been truly adapted from bandages used during world war I. They had been used by healthcare professionals on the front in this way and when the conflict was over, the Kimberly-Clark company flipped gears to female products. Thus if any person criticizes you for making use of pads for bandages you possess certain ammunition.

A great idea?

Based on FEMA, Helena would probably be a tertiary goal in the case of a nuclear strike. If tertiary objectives will be hit this probably signifies the major as well as supplementary targets have been taken out first. This indicates a huge strike that would most likely ruin the US system. Without any support along the way, Janet should think about whether or not she wants to give food to 6,000 people for one meal or maybe 2 people for 3,000. It's a difficult call, however, let's be practical here - how will she support survivors if she is deprived to death?

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