Monday, June 2, 2014

Interesting Information About Conservative Candidates Illinois 2014

By Lila Bryant

The Great Lake states are "purple" states. In other words, there is close to an even mix of Republican and Democrat voters. The biggest impact on election results is to motivate base members of the party to go to the polls to vote. The political trends taking place nationally can be seen clearly in the campaigns of conservative candidates Illinois 2014.

Urban populations with their higher numbers of African Americans and other minorities vote for Democrats. Rural areas vote more Republican. There are deeply rooted cultural and social explanations for this. Minority populations need more of the type of social service programs that Republicans despise. Cities generally require more government spending for infrastructure.

A main concept that drives the dogma is that government has become too large. Overbearing regulations imposed by liberals impede economic growth. These regulations make it difficult for entrepreneurs to grow their businesses which inhibits job growth and economic expansion. The Republican view is that government is getting in the way of economic growth. The best strategy to help the middle class and the poor is to free business from too many regulations.

There are core values that many people relate too. These values are expressed in various political issues. Some of the most important issues are restricting abortion rights, protecting the integrity of the vote through voter ID laws, and reducing the power of labor unions. Some Republican governors have had great success by ending public employee labor unions, enacting strict laws regulating abortion clinics, and passing tough voter ID laws. Some states have passed laws that have reduced early voting.

A major issue is the growth of government spending and government debt. This economic theory states that economic growth is inhibited by excessive government spending. The theory calls for austerity measures that reduce the size and scope of government. This is the only way to invigorate the economy according to this viewpoint. It completely contradicts Keynesian economics which calls for increase government spending to "prime the pump".

For both left and right wing parties, the path to electoral victory is motivating their core followers to actually get to the polls and vote. Empathy is the biggest obstacle to winning. This is why Republican's zeal to enact tough voter ID laws may very well backfire. Democrat party activists have become energized and motivated during an election that they might have ignored otherwise.

The historical trend is that the minority party picks up seats in congress during mid-term elections. There have been notable exceptions to this historical trend. The Tea Party by challenging mainstream Republican incumbents in primary elections has forced the party far to the right of the political spectrum. It has caused gridlock in congress. Important issues are not being addressed. This is irritating some voters who wish to see the two parties compromise in order to make progress.

All politicians face difficult contests. The key to victory will be rallying the base voters to go and vote. Voter turnout is the single key element in winning elections. The party that is better at motivating its base voters will be the party that wins in November.

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