Thursday, November 1, 2012

Learning Photography Lighting Techniques

By Mavic Best

Amateurs and professional photographers alike ask themselves what makes pictures great. Serious photographers - no matter how expert they become at their craft through years of practice - will most likely keep on asking themselves about this matter.

If the people's opinion would be the basis of what makes great photograph, for sure the old saying that says "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" can be an acceptable answer. But since people's opinion change with time, this may not really serve as a definitive answer.

True, there are several variables that can be considered in the quest for the elements of a great image. Seasoned photographers (including Singapore wedding photographers), however, can all have consensus that there are a few constant reference points that will help define the perfect image.

Photography lighting is among these few fixed reference points that's fundamental in producing a great picture. This particular photography element can make even the most ordinary subject interesting and captivating. No wonder photography lighting is considered as a fundamental element across the wide range of photography - from still life to portraiture, from nature to glamour.

Once a photographer understands to use proper lighting, he can make great images using just any type of light source. This shows how important lighting really is in photography.

In studio photography, lighting is a factor that will test how creative and skilled the photographer is. It is a common knowledge that studio photographers basically rely on artificial light. Hence, studio photographers have to display real talent on how to regulate and manipulate the light that comes from various lighting equipment so they can get the kind of result they have in mind.

However, it is not appropriate to assume that indoor photographers, with all their powerful range of artificial lighting gears, are skillful than nature photographers. The latter - however it can be tempting to conclude that they merely depend on luck - necessitates lighting skills that are quite different from indoor photography.

Indoor photographers need to understand the science of electric lighting technology, while outdoor photographers need to learn broad knowledge on both sun's seasonal and diurnal effect as well as the ability to predict the weather.

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