Saturday, April 7, 2018

Habits Of Successful Musicians Including Gigi Love

By Catherine Hughes

She is an American singer, story teller and song writer. She was born and raised in Harington in the state of Texas. She began playing the guitar and singing when she was only seven years old. At age twelve, she started performing at major events in the state of Texas. That was just the beginning of this rising star. The article below gives more information about how to be as successful as Gigi loveYou should exercise daily. This will not only keep you physically fit buy you are also going to be in good shape to make music. Many artists go to the gym or even yoga class to blow off steam. However, you do not need to push yourself over the edge.

To be where she is, she must have led a certain kind of lifestyle. If you are aspiring to be like her, below are several things you should do. Exercise on a regular basis. Exercise not only keeps you fit but also raises your spirit. You may even yourself finding inspiration amidst your routine work out. You should however not overwork yourself.

Make sure you eat healthily. You may wonder what food has to do with your singing, but it really does have effects. If you stay healthy and eat right, you will be able to make music for a long time to come. You will no longer fall ill and have to put your career on hold. Stick to balanced diets and natural food. Processed food should be avoided as much as possible.

As the cliche goes, practice makes perfect. In order to be good at something or to be the best at it, you need practice. Music especially needs daily practice because it is like learning a new language. At times you may be so occupied with other things that you have no time for music. You should, however, try to fit 15 minutes even on the busiest day.

Try to find a teacher. No student understands everything just by reading. Sometimes, we all need a teacher to point us in the right direction. A teacher will be able to help you do things that you could previously not do on your own. With a good teacher and constant practice, your music is bound to take you places.

When you hear the word rhythm, you immediately think of rhyming. However, it is not necessary for the words in a song to rhyme for it to be rhythmically correct. You just need to make sure you are in key, the melody and the words go hand in hand. If all these are off, you may as well go to a circus and have a grand performance.

You have to know a bit of musical style. Unlike in the past, you do not need to specialize in only one genre of music. It takes time, but you can learn how to do several genres that you may be interested in. A musician is made by what they listen to and what they practice. There is no way you can claim you want to compose jazz if you never listen to it.

Most musicians play one instrument. This is actually a great thing. However, they end up confining themselves to making their own music and sticking to certain pieces. There is the option of trying different music pieces from different instruments on other instruments. They may sound a lot more instruments.

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