Sunday, May 4, 2014

Exposure Of Art Heightened By Franklin School

By Paula Hess

One of the more notable buildings in Washingston, DC has got to be the Franklin Building. It was made in 1869 and, at one point, it was better known as the Franklin School. With that said, it currently does not have much use at all but it seems as though this is all about to change in the future. For those of you who enjoy art and see it as, more or less, a career path to travel down, I believe that this news will be of interest to you.

According to Washington City Paper, the Franklin School is set to become an art museum following a proposal that was made. The city announced that the school would be utilized in order to house a number of creations, amongst them, "contemporary art, sculpture, installations, and performances." It's also been said that a restaurant and cafe would be included, which lends credence to the idea that this could become more of a social environment than typical museums. This alone should make this renovation worthy of note.

From what I have seen, one of the most noteworthy aspects of this endeavor is that it will bring new life to the Franklin School. This is especially true, seeing as how the last purpose of the building in question was as a homeless shelter. It ended this level of activity in 2008, though was a move that was met with criticism in DC. Even still, the building remained unused after that, which means that it became nothing short of an inactive landmark in the city.

What about the idea of employment that is associated with this museum as well? Victor Hoskins, who serves as the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development, said that this has the potential to, "create new jobs and provide educational and mentoring programs." This is especially true when considering the idea that those who work with art might find this to be a great employment opportunity. For those who have more in the way of retail experience, there is a bookstore within the museum in addition to a restaurant and cafe.

Whenever you go to a new state or city, chances are that you are going to see a few buildings that are not being utilized. It's possible that past businesses have simply closed down or moved their operations elsewhere. Regardless of what the case may be, it is apparent that the Franklin Building is a tremendous piece of history and Washington was able to recognize this as well. The fact that a museum will soon make its presence known should be enticing to not only art enthusiasts but anyone who can appreciate art in general.

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