Thursday, July 4, 2019

Six Underrated Things To Do In A Park

By Stephanie Price

If you ever find yourself wanting to have an escape and a relaxation, you do not need to hurt your budget. Aside from booking a flight to the Maldives or having an overnight drive to the beach, you also can opt for the quickest and most affordable type of relaxation out there. All it takes is five minutes to grab a coat, put your shoes on, and open the door to head outside and walk towards your favorite park. A great example of such destination is the McCowin Park.

There is always a great feeling whenever you are outdoors, immersing in nature. It clears up your mind and provides you a fresh perspective on certain things. Many things can be relished when you find yourself in a park, but here are simple underrated activities that you could always opt for. These might already seem familiar, but in a world that celebrates the extremes, you can still find joy in mundane things.

Get some moves and exercise on. Many people like parks where they can freely move around and still get some fresh air. The open space helps them focus on themselves while also getting inspired from others who are striving to be fit. It is a great avenue for health advocates, as they are not confined from sweaty gyms and metallic gear.

Look for a park bench where you can enjoy your sandwich for lunch. Aside from this, you may also devour in some other specialties around such as bagels, candy apples, and pretzels. Not only does it satisfy your sweet cravings, but these are also affordable. You get a happy stomach, as well as a satisfied sweet tooth.

Practice your photography skills and take some photos. You can always tell a story by a simple picture. The landscaping in parks are picture perfect. Add to these the smiles of the people around and you get yourself a masterpiece. You also get to immortalize the many memories shared with friends and loved ones through photos. Also, if you are alone, never hesitate to ask a person to take your picture.

Taking a break from work is also best spent in a park. Under the shade of a tree, read a book or listen to your preferred bands on repeat. Give some time to treat yourself with your own simple pleasures. There is nothing more relaxing than catching up with your favorite characters and jamming to your tunes.

Go to the nearest pond and feed some ducks. This is actually more enjoyable than expected. There is almost a therapeutic feeling of watching them eat bread and other feeds. However, you must ensure that you are giving them healthy food and not harming them. Most importantly, ask the locals if you are even allowed to feed them. You never want to get in trouble just because you want to help.

Malls and coffee shops often get too crowded and overrated that you just want to ditch them. Instead of troubling yourself in these places, ask your friends to help you organize a picnic. Catch up with some tea and good food. You will realize that the best things in life are actually handed to you in the simplest of ways.

Finally, enjoy every moment you have, whether with yourself or with some people. It is always a joy knowing that you can still have fun without having to pay much. In this generation, many underrated things are taken for granted, but they are actually the most fun to do. In this case, underrated is more preferred than the mainstream.

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