Sunday, February 24, 2013

Healing After a Going through a Divorce

By Norbert Higensen

Getting a divorce in Salt Lake City can be difficult emotionally. Utah is a very conservative and religious state and the social structure of the state combined with the normal emotional turbulence of a divorce can be very difficult to handle.

It is important to realize that you are not alone. Statistically speaking, 40% of first marriages end in divorce and 60% of remarriages also end in divorce.

Sometimes it can be difficult to remember that you are not alone and that there are many other people across the United States that are also dealing with the emotions that come with a divorce. Remember that you are not alone as you are going through this process.

The combination of crowded streets and icy roads make travel difficult enough. The only thing that exacerbates the problem is when you throw drunk drivers into the mix. In 2010, over 10,000 people lost their lives to DUI related incidents. Over 300,000 were injured.

As you transition into being a divorcee, it is important that you have a sense of direction. Create goals or principles that you can glean stability and direction from and focus on them when you are having a hard time making sense of your emotions or making sense of your life.

While you are working on coping with your divorce, be very careful about the people with whom you choose to associate. Try to stay around people that are positive and supportive of the decisions that you are making in your life.

Surrounding yourself with positivity can make it easier to stay positive yourself. Staying positive is important, but it is important to realize that there will be times that you will experience a variety of other emotions, some that are not so positive, and that is okay.

Planning for the changes that are going to occur in your life after your divorce is important. Although many of these changes can be hard to face, it is more beneficial to take charge of the changes that are going to occur rather than feeling overwhelmed and out of control.

The terms of your divorce can make an incredible difference in the divorce process. While you are going through your divorce, you should be sure that you have a divorce attorney that you can communicate clearly with and that you can trust.

Aside from the lawful consequences of a DUI in Utah, remember the mothers of the people around you. You are a danger to their precious children when you do this. Don't keep a family member from returning. Do not drink and drive.

If your divorce attorney in Utah has a clean record you will then want to talk to referrals. Find an attorney that will go to bat for you in court and ensure that everything possible is done to allow you to obtain the terms of your divorce that you will be most content with. Going through a divorce can be incredibly difficult. Remember that you can survive and you can even thrive after going through your divorce.

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