Friday, September 28, 2012

Learn Guitar Chords With Friends

By Antonio Balibrera

Several people are going to be telling you their best ideas of ways they learn guitar chords. Not everything works well for everyone though. Everyone learns different. Someone should not automatically eliminate ideas but they should realize that just because it works for another person it does not mean it will work for them.

Practicing is the most important way that you are going to be able to get these correct. It is not something that someone is going to pick up the guitar and know them instantly. Like everything else, the more you do it, the easier it is going to be for the musician.

Learning how to visualize these chords before you play them is very effective too. The position of each finger being placed in the correct spots will help to get your fingers to the right spots every time. This can greatly benefit the lessons too.

Learning the chords one by one is important too. You do not want to learn too much all at once because it can be discouraging. It could be confusing too. Some of them are a lot like the others and if the learning process is rushed, it will be hard to keep them straight. You will want to give yourself a push while learning but not too much of one.

Keeping your finger strength is also very important. They should be strong to help you play guitar better. The strings have to be held down while stretching across the whole bar. There are some people that suggest that pressing the fingers down on the strings without playing chords can make your fingers stronger too. Finger push-ups and other things could be recommended as well.

Once you get the chord down, you want to start playing it without looking at your hands. This will allow you to concentrate on your music. You will not be looking back and forth from your hands to your sheet music. It needs to become natural for you to move your hands and fingers when they should be moved.

It is also suggested that you do use your pinkie finger. This finger is very important. It will be needed when learning the higher chords. If you are used to using it from the start, it will be much easier to use it for the higher chords too. Being able to identify any problem with fingering is also great.

It is a great opportunity to utilize all of your senses. You will need to be able to hear differences in the tones and fingering. A lot of times when it does not sound like it fits, the fingering could be wrong. It could be the amount of pressure that is applied. You can adjust this yourself by applying more pressure. You can use your eyes to look at each chord on the chord chart while someone else is playing the chord. Being able to identify them is a great accomplishment.

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