Saturday, September 15, 2018

Getting To Michigan Dance Competitions

By Frances Scott

Human beings like to believe that they are in control of their surroundings. They like to think that they can move their hands and then the world will react accordingly. Now, to some extent, they are correct in this belief. No species on the face of the planet can affect changes in its environment quite like humanity can, and there is no better reason to believe in something than for the thing being believed in to be an objective truth. But again, that control only goes so far. There are some things in the world that do not lend themselves well to human manipulation. But there are some things that can be controlled rather well, like Michigan Dance Competitions.

Before moving on, it needs to be expounded on as to what dance is. Well, the truth is that it is anything and everything. It is the way that the body moves, often is a rhythmic fashion.

Then it must also be elaborated on as to what a tournament is. It is an occasion where two or more parties get together and then test their talents at a particular activity against each other. In the simplest possible terms, its a head to head contest where the winner might literally take it all.

People enter into competition with one another for a variety of reasons. The first is that they want to prove that their skill in a certain activity is at a certain level. For others, simply being skilled is not enough, they want to prove that they are more skilled than others.

Mankind likes to collect information. The evidence for this can be seen in paintings scrawled on the wall of caves. Now, the most comprehensive repository of that information will include everything from the first time man learned how to control fire. It will also include the specifics of dance competitions.

But, at the end of the day, it is all about winning. Sure, it is often said that it is not about winning or losing but about how the game is played. But there are others in sport that would see that as an admission of weakness. As such, steps should be taken in order to secure the win.

The very first step that must be taken to secure a win is to get the choreography on point. Dancing is all about movement, so that movement needs to be as tight as it possibly can be. Finding a creative choreographer may be difficult, as most teams often have to work within a budget.

Then there is the presentation. It is not enough to just move well. The placement and the clothing have to be right as well. Show business is, after all, about what is shown. So making a good impression, standing out from the crowd, and being memorable can habitually mean the difference between winning and losing.

The thing about the world is that the people on it often go to war. In fact, the entire species has been in a constant state of conflict for most of its time. But not all conflicts end in violence.

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