Tuesday, April 10, 2018

A New Trend Young Teen Actress Promoting Their Music Online

By Jennifer Stone

There's the saying if a tree falls in a forest and no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound? Arguably, the tree does make a sound. It produces sound waves and these are the essence of 'sound' or 'music'. Still, without an ear to receive audio waves, these sound frequencies are meaningless entities. The same is with your music if you are a young teen actress you are the best music promoter, following the trend.

A promoter serves the artists and their music. Regardless of how great the music is, without anyone to hear it, it will not circulate. It will not reach the audience you intended it for. Their job is to spark something in the audience, a want for your sound. By showing them that it appeals to them.

There are many ways a musicians work can be showcased - on air (radio), on stage, on CD (through recordings) and online (to give an example, YouTube). The job of a promotional campaign is to let others know that the music is available to be heard.

Technology helps us reach audiences all over the world. It removes the barriers that would normally restrict us physically. Think about what your promoter can do for you through Facebook. If you share your video on Facebook people can view it and share it with others. Most people create a specific page that they link to their personal account on Facebook. This can help your sound go viral in under half an hour.

Studies show pictures speak louder than words and that the average online reader will respond better to fewer words than many. Headlines should be attention-grabbing and in some form or other, one must appeal to a persons ego. Your audience will invariably ask, What's in it for me?. It is advisable to appeal to a readers humanity and the common human experience, connecting this with the item one wants to draw the audiences attention to.

Link some buzz words to your images, videos, and sound whenever you post. They will grab the listeners attention quicker. These words will make them think of your specific sound every time they hear them. The buzz words will generate enough hype towards your music, that people will start following your links. If you believe in yourself and study hard to improve your skills you will achieve many goals, do not hesitate the contact the community of young musicians that are every day more popular, remember that as you many other professionals passed through the initial stage of being promoted.

For maximum impact, you should record a video to upload to YouTube. Then post a link to the video on Facebook. These platforms also show you how people feel about your uploads or posts. If you didn't know, check how many shares or likes you have. Even views can tell you how many listeners you are reaching.

To ensure that no one snatches your creations, register it with a certified music authority. That is also important for anyone considering going into promoting music. You need to know that your artists work, is truly theirs and not someone else's. You can seal a CD with the notes from the composition and have them stamped by a Commissioner of Oaths.

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