Sunday, March 25, 2012

How Young Adult Fantasy Novels With Lots Of Adventures Are Written

By Austin Kamrachek

It is not uncommon for writers to be known for the type of writing that they specialize in. Different writers specialize in different genres but the trick is to find the style that one is best at. After this is done, maximum results can be realized for the writer. Young adult fantasy is one classification of writing.

As the name suggests the novel is primarily written for a more juvenile setting, this simply means that the writing aims to reach out to a youthful audience mainly compromising of teenagers and adolescents. Numerically these novel appeals to audiences of people aged between ten and nineteen.

As the name suggest this type of writing is filled dramatic tales that often characterize growing adolescent minds and experiences. When done well, it can be quite intriguing. As is the case with any novel it has a plot, setting and characters that make up the book.

More often than not the protagonist in the story is a teenager. This teenager is usually involved in something dramatic usually maybe a tragic romance or many times this teenager is always rebelling against a stronger more dominant role. The protagonist is very unforgettable.

Climax is very important in the book. At this point all the rebellion and trials a teenager has been going through comes to a critical point. This is where suspense is established and teenagers love that in a book. Writers also have to be careful to ensure that the themes and overall language are age appropriate.

It is important for teenagers to read. Reading young adult fantasy often introduces adolescents to a world that they are not familiar with. Learning from books is a great way to keep teenagers occupied and out of trouble. The genre a teenager reads also often describes ones individuality which is something special.

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