Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Brain eating vaccine conspiracy, or: Alex Jones is a liar

Alex Jones wants you to believe there is a brain eating vaccine on the loose. But it seems that is not the case.

Wired Science: The Brain Eating Vaccine Conspiracy

This isn't a conspiracy theory I've ever heard of, but it's interesting to see how this article apparently sparked it. They wag a finger at Alex Jones.

If you happened to find this article by searching Google for a “brain eating vaccine,” please know that there is no such thing. Instead, what the article discusses are possible treatments that, if we’re lucky, will one day be used to help prevent brain damage in stroke victims. Alex Jones is a liar.

Kevin Poulsen, the senior editor for Wired, is a convicted hacker. Chris Wininger thinks that Kevin Poulsen "sometimes does favors for the FBI." So is this one of them? "But I don't think that this is one of them." Oh.


1 comment:

  1. Some how this sounds familiar. I need to start posting here again.
